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Monday, January 01, 2018

Another Doctor's Visit

This blog could actually just be posts about our son's trips to the doctor. I have quite a few posts about that on here over the years. The posts started when he was about five. He's 14 and the stories haven't stopped.

After being sick, mostly sore throat, I took him to the doctor. If he misses school he is definitely not feeling well. Before I could press the last number to make an appointment the questions began. Already expecting it, I put my hand up to cut him off while I accepted the time given over the phone.

"They aren't gonna do that thing where they swab my throat are they?" Coughing, he added, "If that's the plan, I'm good. That's not gonna work for me."

What did that mean? I thought.

"They do that to test for strep and I don't think you have strep," I lied told him. "I'll bet your throat is just sore from coughing so much."

A few minutes after checking in, the registration associate called me back up to the desk.

"I'm sorry but I noticed that he hasn't had his annual physical?" I explained that he had s sports' physical. She explained that it wasn't a complete physical. She then told me they could go on and do his physical since he was there.

Uh oh. "Okay!"

He heard all of it. "I came because I'm sick! And you know I told you and Daddy that I don't want to have a female doctor to examine me."
He was on edge. He continued with statements or questions- unsure what they were. He was correct about wanting to change physicians. After his male physician retired, he told us that. He had just started having the "big boy" physicals.

"Am I gonna have to get shots?" "Naw. You've had all your shots. You're good." I lied assured him.

When they called him back I went with him. I had to give him the eyebrows to make sure he cooperated. The nurse asked him to fill out a screener. He was on the other side of the room by choice so I did not see his answers.
"Okay, mom do you have any concerns for the doctor today?" He vigorously shook his head. Then she told him what he didn't want to hear, after going over his symptoms. That she needed to swab his tonsils.
"My mom told me y'all weren't gonna do that today." I smiled and giggled, "You are so silly, you know I don't know. I'm not a doctor."
She was able to get something on the third try.
"Okay. The doctor will be in in a few minutes."
"You're not gonna stay in here are you? Before I could answer he asked another question. "I still need y'all to find me a male doctor."

The doctor came in. "I'm a little concerned about you," she said.
Oh no, I thought, the lab results are back already.
"You answered on the screener that you weren't happy?"
"I'm not happy."
"Why? she asked.
"I had to come here to get my throat poked and now I gotta take my clothes off. AND I still don't know for sure if I gotta get shots." he barked.

OMG. The doctor thought he was depressed.