Happy New Year!
We are continuing with our movement to make sure the kids eat healthy and stay physically fit. It's not a resolution but a continuation of what we regularly stress. So I made our 10-year-old daughter, a doctor's appointment for her annual physical.
This would be a big deal because she is older and it would be a more thorough physical. I wasn't sure what to expect really.
And on the way in our daughter asked the question that many kids ask, "Am I gonna get a shot?"
"No. You have had your shots," I replied.
I didn't think she would.
The nurse was nice and patient. "Hun, you can take your jacket and shoes off then jump up on here so we can get your weight and height." (In her Flo from Mel's Diner voice)
Her weight was in the 75% range for others her age and in the 95% for her height... which is just a little under two inches to be even with me.
So the nurse took us in the room and asked her to get undressed. She told her she could leave her undies and socks on.
"Then put this on and you can use this part to cover your bottom half," the nurse added.
That was a hoot! She put the little shirtly-challenged paper on the wrong way and I never heard so much crinkling, as she sat waiting for the doctor.
But the worst part hadn't come yet.
The nurse scanned her chart and nonchalantly pointed out that our daughter needed two shots. Uh oh!
The tears quickly came. She cringed.
The nurse looked over at me.
"Ummmm...you are probably gonna need backup!" I warned Flo- I mean the nurse, as I tried to calm her.
It was about to go down!
The nurse brought in her cute little bag with the syringe, cleaning pad and medicine.
Our daughter had so many questions!
"How far are you gonna put that needle in my arm?
Yep! It was about to go down.
I tried to hold her but she's so strong. They suggested bringing in another, stronger, male physician, to help hold her still.
She heard that and began putting on a show!
In the end, she finally got the shot. The TWO nurses and I were all sweaty and exhausted. Yes! Another nurse had to come in. I felt like I'd done hot yoga. Needless to say the ride home was quiet.
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